
Welcome to the Boldly Unbuffed blog!


In 2022 I started my YouTube channel Boldly Unbuffed. I had just left my engineering job at a large FANG company and wanted to spend more time doing things I love, like playing video games. At the same time I wanted a creative outlet where I could feel like I am using my time constructively – and not just “wasting” it gaming. Boldly Unbuffed was born out of this desire.

During the first few months it became clear to me that just recording myself playing random video games would not lead to success for the channel. I was very dissattisfied with my growth and how many viewers I was able to attract with my content.

I started spending more time thinking about and developing the channel with a focus towards growth, with some moderate success. I realized that sharing this journey might be useful for others, too and would be another fun way to interact with my audience as well as provide a unique view behind the scenes, that is not super common among YouTube channels, setting myself apart from the large number of other people trying to build a presnce on YouTube.

This blog’s primary purpose is to provide a platform I can use to share my experiences and thoughts regarding building and growing the channel more generally. You can think of it as a meta publication around the channel. I’m sure over time I will also utilize it for other content, but for now that will be it’s primary role.

See you in the next video – or blog post!